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כל הסיבות לגור במרכז תל אביב ..........................................All the reasons to live in the center of Tel Aviv
הצהרת נגישות ............................................. Accessibility statement
פרויקטים חדשים במרכז תל אביב -----------New project Tel Aviv center
Apartments for rent___________________דירות להשכרה
Apartments for sale ___________________דירות למכירה
* תושב חוזר ועולים חדשים.......Returning residents ,Olim, Aliya
* מסוי נדל"ן, מס רכישה, מס מכירה, מס שבח, מס עיזבון, מע"מ, ________ Real Estate taxes, Purchase tax, Selling Tax, Betterment tax, Inheritance tax Vat

Find Your Dream Home in Central Tel Aviv
Discover Luxurious Living: Garden Apartment for Sale in Rova Lev Ha'ir
תל אביב: עיר ללא הפסקה עם חיים דינמיים ומגוונים
הדרך הבטוחה לרכישת דירת יוקרה גדולה במרכז תל אביב עם מתווך עצמאי

למה כדאי להיעזר במתווך עצמאי ומנוסה?

מתווך עצמאי ומנוסה יכול להקל עליכם את תהליך הרכישה ולספק לכם יתר
קראו יותר

רכישת דירות גדולות במרכז תל אביב
Purchasing Large Apartments in Central Tel Aviv</titl </font> <br> <font size=1 face="arial" color=de113a><u><b> קראו יותר </font></u></b> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="501" height="20" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="501" align=left valign=top nowrap></td> </tr> </table> <table width="501" height="24" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="501" align=right valign=top nowrap> <a href="articles_a1.php?id_cat=40&p=&id=1120"> <font size=2 face="arial" color=909090> 02.06.2024 </font>  <img src="dorit/page/articles.gif" border="0" align=middle> <br> <font size=2 face="arial" color=de113a dir="rtl"><b><u> Purchasing Large Apartments in Central Tel Aviv </font></b></u> <br> <font size=2 face="arial" color=606060 dir="rtl"> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, init </font> <br> <font size=1 face="arial" color=de113a><u><b> קראו יותר </font></u></b> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="501" height="20" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="501" align=left valign=top nowrap></td> </tr> </table> <table width="501" height="24" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="501" align=right valign=top nowrap> <a href="articles_a1.php?id_cat=40&p=&id=1118"> <font size=2 face="arial" color=909090> 30.05.2024 </font>  <img src="dorit/page/articles.gif" border="0" align=middle> <br> <font size=2 face="arial" color=de113a dir="rtl"><b><u> Tel Aviv - A City of Innovation and Opportunity </font></b></u> <br> <font size=2 face="arial" color=606060 dir="rtl"> <!DOCTYPE html> <div style='direction:ltr;text-align:left' > </head> <body> <h1>Tel Aviv - A City of Innovation and Oppor </font> <br> <font size=1 face="arial" color=de113a><u><b> קראו יותר </font></u></b> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="501" height="80" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="501" align=left valign=middle nowrap> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" dir="ltr" align="right"> <tr> <td><a href='?id_cat=40&p=1'><font size=2 face='arial' color=606060><b>1</b></font></a>...<a href='?id_cat=40&p=0'><font size=2 face='arial' color=606060><b><<</b></font></a><font size=2 face="arial" color=606060> | </font></td> <td> <font size=2 face="arial" color=606060> <u> <a href='?id_cat=40&p=1'><font size=2 face='arial' color=de113a><b>1</b></font></a> </u> </font> </td> <td> <font size=2 face="arial" color=606060>  |  <u> <a href='?id_cat=40&p=2'><font size=2 face='arial' color=606060><u>2</u></font></a> </u> </font> </td> <td> <font size=2 face="arial" color=606060>  |  <u> <a href='?id_cat=40&p=3'><font size=2 face='arial' color=606060><u>3</u></font></a> </u> </font> </td> <td><font size=2 face=arial color=606060> | </font><a href='?id_cat=40&p=2'><font size=2 face=arial color=606060><b>>></b></font></a>...<a href='?id_cat=40&p=1.2222222222222'><font size=2 face=arial color=606060><b>1.2222222222222</b></font></a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table bgcolor=a1a1a1 width="521" height="10" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="521" height="10" align=center valign=middle nowrap> </td> </tr> </table> <table bgcolor=a1a1a1 width="521" height="20" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="521" height="20" align=center valign=top nowrap> <table width="500" height="20" border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap> <tr> <td width="500" height="44" align=left valign=top nowrap> <font size=1 face="arial" color=ffffff><b> ©COPYRIGHT All rights reserved to (1996) ISRAEL TEL AVIV TOVADO REALTY טובהדו נכסים<br /> 📞 972.3.5277712<br /> <br /> <BR><BR><br /> <hr /><br /> <div style='direction:ltr;text-align:center' > <br /> THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS :) <br /> <br /> TOVADO REALTY P.O.B 21797, GORDON ST.TEL-AVIV ISRAEL: <br /> 📞97235277712 <br /> <br><br /> <br /> THE CONTENTS, SIMULATIONS, AREAS, AND ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS SITE ARE FOR MARKETING PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE ANY OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER. 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